November 16, 2010
November 16, 2010
In Sudan, three alleged child offenders are facing the threat of being executed. They were sentenced to death by the Special Court in Darfur on 21 […]
November 11, 2010
November 11, 2010
The Congress of Guatemala has approved a bill which would re-establish the right of the President to grant pardon to prisoners facing execution. Due to regional […]
November 3, 2010
November 3, 2010
According to several sources,Sakineh Ashtiani runs the risk of being stoned to death in the following days. ICDP adds its voice to the concern on this […]
October 27, 2010
October 27, 2010
The former Minister of Foregin Affairs of Iraq, Tariq Aziz, has been sentenced to death by the Iraqi Supreme Court.