January 14, 2011

Illinois: A Signature away from Abolition

The Senate and the House of Representatives of Illinois approved a bill that would bring about the abolition of the death penalty. It is now up […]
January 12, 2011

Cuba Empties its Death Row

Soon after the announcement of the commutations of the death sentences of two Salvadoran prisoners in December 2010 (read the statement by the ICDP in this regard), […]
December 17, 2010

Yemeni Child Offender Faces Execution

In Yemen, Fouad Ahmad Ali Abdallah al-Shehari faces the threat of execution. He was sentenced to death for a crime he committed when he was 16 years […]
December 15, 2010

Cuba Commutes Death Sentences of Two Prisoners

Cuba announced the commutation of the death sentences of the two Salvadoran prisoners who were convicted of terrorism for their role in a string of bombings […]
December 3, 2010

Former Wife of Iranian Football Player Executed

On 1 December 2010, Shala Jahed, a former “temporary wife” of a famous football player of Iran, was hanged in a prison in Teheran. Read the Statement by the ICDP […]